flowery Valentines letter
flowery Valentines letter
It is this time of the year again. Time to celebrate your love. Here you can find a free pattern to print and creat your own little flower love letter to give to your loved ones.
Of course this little love letter is not just for the most romantic day of the year. You have your loved ones birthday coming up, here is the perfect card to come with your present. Or maybe you just want to say "I love you", than this is the prefect little package for you.
What you need:
paper of your choice ( recomended: thicker paper, at least 160g)
optional: colors of your choice, if you want to paint them
What is included:
big and small flower pattern
base pattern
card pattern
instruction manuel
instruction video
What to do:
print out the flower templates, the base template and the crd template on your paper of choice ( it can be white paper or colored paper)
optional: color the flower and the leave ( I would recomment to color them before cutting them out)
cut the pieces out (take your time with the smaller pieces, don´t worry if it is not perfect - you won´t see smaller wobbles or other miscuts in the final result)
glue the pieces together with nr 1 at the bottom (see image)
glue the base together as shown ( only put glue on the edges where it is marked)
glue the flowers on top of the leave
write your message on the card
put the card in
give it to your loved ones and see them smile
You can find some design ideas in the gallery and video
